*Real Success story. Expect to lose an average of 1-2 lbs. per week.
“I tried every fad diet out there—from no carbs to cabbage soup and always gained the weight back.”
I started struggling with my weight at age 38 when I began taking hormones as part of my infertility treatment. I never did get pregnant but I sure did look like I was. I became so ashamed and embarrassed by my weight gain, I started withdrawing from life. Bathing suits and shorts were no longer a part of my summer wardrobe unless I was safely out of town and only strangers could see me. What a miserable time it was.
“One day I noticed how much weight two neighbors had lost.”
I learned they were having great success on Nutrisystem. I was so impressed. That’s when I decided to give it a try. I signed up and, and by Day Two on Nutrisystem my energy level went through the roof. Instead of feeling sluggish, I felt like I could run a mid‐day marathon! That same week I lost five lbs.* giving me all the motivation I needed to stick with the program. Nutrisystem taught me “how” to eat and I’ve now maintained my goal weight for several months. In fact, I’m back to the same weight I was in high school!
“Now that I lost the weight, my social life is out of control!”
Clothes are fun again! I’m wearing my bikini to the beach. And instead of hiding out from the camera, I jump in front of the lens. Reconnecting with friends (and the camera) has been incredible!!! Thanks soooo much, Nutrisystem.
Start your journey today. The best version of you is waiting, and Nutrisystem is ready to help you get there.