*Real Success story. Expect to lose an average of 1-2 lbs. per week.
“My weight problems increasingly got worse as emotional eating became my drug of choice. I was out of control and my self-confidence, self-esteem and overall happiness suffered.”
I’m often reminded that I was a rather petite child; that is, until the age of 9, at which time my weight problems began and “petite” no longer applied to me! Despite fighting anywhere from 10 to 35 pounds throughout my childhood, teens and college years, I was always blessed with a wonderful social life-but inside I was always screaming to be thinner and emotionally, although no one ever really knew, I was miserable. I got married at age 22, and during the difficult, stressful stages of my marriage, its disintegration and aftermath, my weight problems escalated to about 50-60 excess pounds, and during the next 20 years I became a professional “yo-yo dieter,” losing and gaining like millions of other people because to me, weight loss meant starvation-which, in turn, spells failure.
I was a single parent, working as an investigator of personal claims/suits (better known as a P.I.) in a highly stressful, male-dominated profession, when I endured a brief second marriage which can be deemed the worst mistake of my life. As a result of all this, my weight problems increasingly got worse as emotional eating became my drug of choice. I was out of control and my self-confidence, self-esteem and overall happiness suffered.
In January of 2005, I saw an ad for Nutrisystem, so, desperate and intrigued, I began to research and compare this program with all others on the market.
“What appealed to me most was the concept of low-glycemic foods, which I thought might help lower my cholesterol levels; and that, dollar for dollar, this plan fit my budget better than the others.”
I also realized that for me to succeed I would need to have all the control and choices taken out of my hands on a temporary basis, and the Nutrisystem prepackaged foods seemed like they would do just that. Little did I know that this was the only choice I needed to make and success was indeed right around the corner. Not only did I immediately learn that this was no starvation diet, it was to become a way of life which afforded me the opportunity to eat more food and more often than I ever did before.
I immediately began enjoying (and actually looking forward to) so many Nutrisystem foods and even felt strangely guilty when a typical day included their delicious pancakes, pizza and chocolates! However, as the weight melted off and the clothes fell off, the program felt effortless, and the guilt was slowly replaced by feelings of elation, self-confidence, self-esteem and contentment.
“My only regret: not learning of this program 30 years ago!”
Most importantly, I now feel comfortable in my own skin and have even returned to petite status! I have gone from a size 20W to a size 4*, and have lost over 90 pounds*. And although I’ll never feel that the words skinny or thin belong in any sentence referring to me, the words looking good and feeling fit do! Family and friends have been impressed by my success, and a few have even been inspired. I’ve received more compliments and attention than any one person deserves and I owe it all to Nutrisystem, as it has given me my life back and allowed me to feel 30 instead of 50ish. I’ve recently become a Great Aunt and am looking forward to the possibility of one day becoming that ‘young’ grandmother after all!
Start your journey today. The best version of you is waiting, and Nutrisystem is ready to help you get there.