*Real Success story. Expect to lose an average of 1-2 lbs. per week.
“I have lost and gained and gained and lost.”
I grew up in a large Italian family, where fried delights were plentiful and food was a welcome guest at all occasions. My weight reached an all time high after the birth of my son, and I struggled for 5 years to get the weight off. Sadly, I didn’t attend my husband’s high school reunion because I didn’t want him to be embarrassed by me. I was unhealthy, out of breath, out of shape, and I decided enough was enough.
“When I received my first shipment from Nutrisystem it was like Christmas!”
My very first box of Nutrisystem food was my key to success and my hope for a better, healthier future. The fact that everything was color‐coded made it a breeze. The stress of having to measure my food was gone, and all I had to do was choose my meal. I felt satisfied and content, and the pounds started to fall off.
“I am an inspiration to those around me.”
I am living proof that you can do this. I look and feel great. This summer I will enjoy every moment and activity with my family. I feel I am a positive role model to my children and have a new excitement for life. Thank you Nutrisystem for all you have given me!
Start your journey today. The best version of you is waiting, and Nutrisystem is ready to help you get there.