Emily Beth D. Lost 135 Lbs.*

*Real Success story. Expect to lose an average of 1-2 lbs. per week.

“Nutrisystem can and WILL change your life…I am living proof!”

I grew up in the South, where everything is fried, smothered in cheese or bacon. In college, I enjoyed junk food and one too many bowls of ice cream, not thinking about what I was eating or doing to my body. Once I was out on my own with my first job and apartment, I was just too tired to worry about buying or cooking healthy for one. A few years later when my sister announced she was getting married, I tipped the scales at 275 pounds.

“Even family members don’t recognize me!“

I started eating and following Nutrisystem’s plan, and MAN…it worked!!! I was able to drop 60 lbs. by my sister’s wedding. Eating healthy and hitting the gym religiously became a routine and just a natural part of my life. As I inched toward my goal weight, I decided to run my first 5K, and I totally met that goal!

“I don’t have to worry about cooking dinner after a long day at work.“

Like a best friend, Nutrisystem was always there for me—I felt good knowing I was eating right, and that I could depend on the program to make losing weight easier. I learned what portion control really looks like and how to eat and shop healthier. I’m a size 6‐8 now, and I can shop at most clothing stores. Nutrisystem can and WILL change your life…and I am living proof!

Start your journey today. The best version of you is waiting, and Nutrisystem is ready to help you get there.

Start Your Nutrisystem Weight Loss Success Story Now

All Nutrisystem® testimonials lost weight as claimed on the Nutrisystem program. Most are real customers who submitted their success stories to Nutrisystem, or who entered the program's annual contests.