Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️
You’ve tried this. You’ve tried that. You’ve tried everything. You’ve done that. You’ve done this. You’ve done everything. Still, you haven’t lost any weight? Why?
The answer to that is very simple. You’re not doing the right thing. No matter how much you’re doing, you’re still not doing the right thing. Related Read: Where You Should Order Nutrisystem Frozen Food

So stop and take a break. In the meantime, take a look at this diet plan that might be able to help you.
It’s Called Nutrisystem
Yes, it’s called Nutrisystem. It actually is very similar to the other weight loss or diet plans you see online. First and foremost, it can also be delivered to you.
However, you can still get it retail. That is, for starters.
Nutrisystem is a great diet plan because you don’t have to watch or even restrict your calorie intake. As you indulge in their foods, you don’t have to worry about loading up the wrong way.
There is no wrong way with Nutrisystem since you are eating pre-portioned food. Suffice to say, Nutrisystem is the right way for you to finally lose weight.
It works because it gives you a bit of flexibility. Even if you are just starting it, you are allowed some flexibility.
Why It Works
So why does Nutrisystem work? The immediate answer to that is very simple. It works because it gives you a bit of flexibility. Even if you are just starting it, you are allowed some flexibility.
This is the obvious why Nutrisystem works for most folks. The flexibility of the program does not weigh down on the dieter, unlike the other diet programs.
If you take a look at the other diet programs, they are too strict. Losing weight becomes a burden. So the tendency for most dieters is to leave the diet program right away.
If you take a look at the other diet programs, they are too strict. Losing weight becomes a burden. So the tendency for most dieters is to leave the diet program right away.
It’s very different with Nutrisystem. This particular diet program is meant for the long run. You get on the program and lose weight. You stay on the program to maintain your weight loss.

You can do all that by not being burdened by the strict rules of the program. As a matter of fact, there aren’t a lot of rules in Nutrisystem.
The program is so lenient that you can even augment your Nutrisystem diet with regular foods. Hence, you’re not restricted to eating their food alone. No wonder Nutrisystem works.
Take it from this video that features one happy dieter named Eden. She went on a five-day trail and she found Nutrisystem to be very effective.
Eden followed the 5-day meal guide that came with the Nutrisystem package. By strictly following the 5-day meal guide, she was able to achieve some weight loss. To be exact, she was able to lose about four pounds over the course of her brief 5-day trial period. That’s not bad at all.
Here’s how the Nurtisystem meal guide can work for you,
It schedules out all of the meals and what you should select for each day. I don’t know if …this is a …rule or if this is just a guideline. I followed it exactly, what was on the card…But this little card was really quite full of a lot information that really helped guide me along for the entire week. In fact at the end of each day, before I would get ready for the next day, I like to look forward to see what the next day’s schedule of food was. I get that all set up. It felt as if it were something special, almost had a sense of ritual to it, which made it a lot more fun and a lot easier to adhere to.
Eden adds this about Nutrisystem:
They do have support for you available. A telephone line for counseling, if you need it.
How You Can Benefit From Nutrisystem
If you’re still not a hundred percent sure of Nutrisystem, then take a look at this. In terms of taste, you’ll be very surprised. According to Eden:
The taste … was really quite good. Some of them was actually even yummy. The fact that you’re guided fresh foods or grocery items to augment those meals with like; steam broccoli, green beans or salads. That … still kept me feeling like I was eating good food and the flavor for most of it was quite good. The sodium content is fairly low for shelf stable food. The breakfast items were really very good …They didn’t feel dry.
Eden goes on to describe the entrees of Nutrisystem.
The entrees were pretty good and plating helps it more become appealing.
You have two meal options from Nutrisystem. Eden describes both.
They do have two different versions. One where you just take a selection … or you could go through and select the items that you want … They even have vegetarian options.
Aside from getting the satisfaction of eating great tasting food, the food from Nutrisystem will also fill you up. Eden shares her experience.
Yeah! Surprisingly, because the guideline schedules high protein and …snacks throughout and pieces to augment your meals with Nutrisystem. I don’t know if I …felt full in those first few days but I didn’t feel ravished, which is a big plus when trying a new diet plan…At the end of the day, when I would have my meal and my vegetables and fruit; and I would get to that dessert I would say that …I felt satisfied; not full but definitely satisfied. So as I got used to it over the first couple of days, I didn’t feel deprived.
Given how Nutrisystem can satisfy a dieter, you will definitely benefit from this particular diet program.
Could This Be The One For You?
So could Nutrisystem be the one for you? Yes. The fact that you wouldn’t have to adjust to the program validates the fact that Nutrisystem is the one for you. Related read: Here’s how to save on Nutrisystem
Because you get to augment this with fresh prepared sides … the transition was pretty easy because I still felt in control of what I was eating in many ways. So there were those fresh flavors, vegetables …and you had options, also listed on the shopping list that you can choose the things that you like the best. In that way, I felt the transition made it a little bit easier to eat these shelf stable foods.
Nutrisystem is one diet program that’s worth a try. For all you know, this is the diet program that can finally work for you.
Start getting your health back. Learn more about Nutrisystem now.
Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate

Well-said! You feel satisfied with Nutrisystem, not full. There’s a big difference between the two. It’s awful to feel full.