Ramona Y. Lost 71 Lbs.*

*Real Success story. Expect to lose an average of 1-2 lbs. per week.

“I was on the road to my own destruction.”

I had tried many different diets, but when I didn’t become “thin” overnight, I would stop trying. The last straw was when my blood work results came in with three life-altering words: “You are diabetic.” I had my pity party for a few days and then realized that I had gotten myself into this mess, so maybe I could get myself out of it. I researched weight loss programs online, and decided to give Nutrisystem D a try.

“I never felt alone in this battle.”

With a planned program like Nutrisystem D, I never felt hungry or deprived. The support of my family, as well as the great support from the website and Nutrisystem’s awesome support personnel helped me lose 71 pounds*. In addition to the weight loss, I’m more active. I began running in May of this year and now run at least 3-4 miles daily. It is an awesome natural high, and I have an amazing amount of energy. In fact, I ran my first 5k in September and had a great time running the entire distance.

“Nutrisystem has been a complete lifestyle change.“

Now, I’m able to do so much more. We just returned from my husband’s 50th high school reunion, and on the way there we visited a lighthouse and climbed 177 stairs to the top. A year ago I could not have done that. But the greatest gift is that, because of my weight loss, my doctor has changed my medication. He continues to monitor my progress, and has been extremely pleased. I tell him I never knew that eating healthy could taste so good!

Start your journey today. The best version of you is waiting, and Nutrisystem is ready to help you get there.

Start Your Nutrisystem Weight Loss Success Story Now

All Nutrisystem® testimonials lost weight as claimed on the Nutrisystem program. Most are real customers who submitted their success stories to Nutrisystem, or who entered the program's annual contests.