*Real Success story. Expect to lose an average of 1-2 lbs. per week.
“I was desperate.”
Since I was a teenager I have been struggling with my weight. But my biggest struggle with weight started six years ago, right after I had surgery. My thyroid had completely quit working and within three months of my surgery I had gained 50 pounds. No matter what I did, it would not come off. I was at my highest weight ever and my 49th birthday was fast approaching. I was so unhappy and had no self-esteem. I didn’t like myself. My life consisted of going to work, coming home and sitting on the couch watching TV for the rest of the night. I was not able to be the person I was meant to be because I was letting my weight hold me back. Discouraged doesn’t begin to describe how I felt—I was desperate!
“Here’s my new life, in this box.“
I think I just reached a point where I wanted to be happy and I wanted to accomplish what I am supposed to accomplish—and my weight was not letting me do that. I saw my brother-in-law was succeeding on Nutrisystem, and then saw Marie Osmond’s story, so I called and ordered my first month. And when that box arrived I thought, This is my new life! Here it is, in a box. My new life. I was careful to follow the program exactly how the planner said because I was determined it was going to work. It helped that the food was amazingly delicious and so easy to prepare. Before I knew it I had lost 20 pounds, then 30.* Then, four months into my program, I got even more incentive to lose: I became a Grandma. I was determined not to be a sit-in-the-rocking-chair Grandma, but a going-to-the-zoo Grandma. And it worked: My goal was to lose 40 pounds, but it just kept coming off and I lost a total of 68 lbs.!*
“I turned 50 but feel 40!“
Life’s just different now—in a good way. I just had my 50th birthday and I can honestly say that I feel 10 years younger than I did when I started As a reminder of how far I’ve come, I kept one item from my “before” clothes: a pair of Capri pants. Why? My whole body now fits in one leg. When I zip them up and button them, I have this other leg just flapping over here. It’s just incredible Now there’s no stopping me; I feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. And I can’t remember a time when I have been happier. I am so grateful to Nutrisystem for giving me my life back—I only wish I had started using Nutrisystem sooner!
Start your journey today. The best version of you is waiting, and Nutrisystem is ready to help you get there.